About Us

Welcome to Whoever's Younger, where our dissatisfaction with the stagnant political scene has led us to create a playful, impactful way to voice our demand for change. We are a team of dedicated creatives and politically-engaged individuals who believe that humor can be a powerful tool for highlighting the pressing need for fresh faces and ideas in politics.

At Whoever's Younger, we believe it's time to move past the era of political reruns. It's time for a new generation of leadership that resonates with the changing world. Our products - an array of satirical stickers and buttons - are designed to express this sentiment, encouraging conversations around the importance of diversity, youth, and innovation in political leadership.

Our mission is to spark discussions, inspire change, and have a little fun while doing it. We hope you'll join us in our mission to rejuvenate the political landscape, one sticker (or button) at a time!